Tax Preparation & Planning Services

Did you know we also provide Tax Preparation & Planning Services as well as Payroll and other business related services specifically for Child Care Providers?


Sister company, Kenyon & Associates, is skillful in tax preparation and small business services. Start up expenses, tax law and business regulations can be difficult to decode. Being especially knowledgeable in child care tax law allows us to completely disect your business records to get the best possible result on your tax return.  

Our services include:

  • Business & Personal Tax Preparation
  • Tax Projections 
  • Tax Consulting 
  • Accounting & Bookeeping
  • Payroll Services  

Whether just starting up, already established or in the midst of a finacial crisis, we can help your business get started in the right direction! We sit down with each of our clients to fully get to know each business and evaluate their specific individual needs.

We care about providing excellent and accurate service to our clients. Kenyon & Associates believes in working to keep har


Child Care Providers Tax Preparation Services »


We make sense of the complex tax code for child care providers

tax services for child care providers